Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Angels Among Us...

So, I ventured into the world of Tweet-ups today and had breakfast with a bunch of really great people. It was a nice way to put a tweet handle to a face. The faces were really friendly and I can't wait to do it again.

At first, I didn't quite "buy into" the whole Social Media craze. I, like most people in my generation (the over 40 crowd) didn't understand the power of this new technology and its reach and impact. I'm slowly getting the hang of it. Twitter isn't as scary as it once was. I'm getting to know the language and actually meeting people - even if for the time being it's because of their Twitter ID. I love RT'ing (re-tweeting) great things I read from others. It's a great way to open a dialogue with someone.

Facebook is my second home now. In fact - it's pretty much my only past time. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Okay, who's kidding who... it's (at times) a HUGE time waster. Conversely, I've done a lot of great things with Facebook and Twitter.

Most recently that was most evident by the ease at which the Daynapalooza event came together. I was asked to put together a silent auction to raise money for a beautiful soul, Dayna Gibeault.

Dayna is a great lady who happens to have been diagnosed with terminal lymphoma. Dayna will also leave 3 beautiful children without a mother... and her mother, Wendy, without her beautiful daughter. Tragic is the word that most easily comes to mind.

Tragic until you see the kind of impact you witness when you step back and see the gifts that she is handing out... figuratively of course. This happened when my own mum passed away. The gifts, lessons, experiences she gave to the people she loved were truly mind-boggling. The trick is you don't necessarily find out what those gifts are until after the person leaves and only if you're looking and aware that they're there.

Amidst all the perceived tragedy, it's sometimes very hard to find. Mine took a really long time - but I found them. Besides the gift of life she gave me, my mother- on her deathbed - gave me the best gift ever. If you ever want to know what those gifts were, I'd be happy to take you for a coffee and let you in on it.

Back to Dayna...

Her strength in the face of her own death is simply amazing. I'm sure she has her private moments when she's scared and she cries, however if you had just met her (like I had) and didn't know what the back end story was, you would never know she was so sick. Her smile says that everything is okay.

And you know what Dayna, it will be.

You are so loved... your children are so loved... your mum is so loved...

There is nothing that can happen that will not be absolutely perfect and as your soul has chosen its journey to be. Your lessons and your gifts you have and/or will sprinkle on us all will be experiences for our souls to embrace. Your smile and your laughter will never be forgotten. Your strength and courage have taught us all to give thanks for ever breath we take, that we need to be in awe of the process of life and be in deep gratitude every time we get to tell the people we love how much we cherish them.

Dayna, from my heart to yours - thank you for the gifts your soul has blessed me with. Thank you for reminding me of the really important things are in life. My family, my health, my love of life. You are a true angel on earth and when you leave us, you will never be forgotten. Too many people love you for that to happen. Too many people hold your heart dear to theirs.

I just wanted to tell you this before I didn't get the chance to.

As I write this post, this is Dayna's status on Facebook:

Dayna Gibeault to my babies i'm trying really hard to stay healthy, things are starting to progress, i tried 3 times today for the docter to put in a feeding tube in , i really don't want one but i guess if it gains me a few extra weeks with you guys i will do it, there's just so many new things happening me , but i will continue fight, because everyday i have with you 3, is what i imagine heaven is like love you all so much

So, people - when you finish reading this posting, close your computer up and find someone you love to tell them how much they mean to you. Pick up the phone and call your mum and dad. Get up off the couch, push yourself away from your desk and find your spouse and tell them how much you love them. No joke - just do it.

And while you're at it, you can go to the Daynapalooza website and make a donation for her kids to help with their education fund... here's the URL:

My Gift to Dayna....

On Angels Wings

The light is bright in the sky
Blinding to our eyes, but not to yours
Bidding you to come...
To your new home
To your new life

On angels wings you will fly
Through the time and space of reality
Guiding you with love...
To your new home
To your new life

Born into your perfect form
You are like a perfect piece of fine porcelain
Warmed, lifted, blessed...
In your new home
In your new life

Pure love, pure light, pure energy
A shining star in the night sky for all to see
No fear, no regrets, no sadness
Our love goes with you
Cherished .... always.

(c) Alison Comrie 2010

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